
Choosing an Air Purification System: 7 Tips for Homeowners


Clean air is vital for a healthy and comfortable living environment. Unfortunately, indoor air quality can be compromised by various factors, including dust, mold, bacteria, and even pet dander.

Installing a waft purification system can help to alleviate these issues, but with so many options available, choosing the right one for your home can be overwhelming. Here are 7 tips to consider when choosing a purification system for your home.

Identify Your Needs


The first step in choosing a purification system is to determine your specific needs. Do you have pets or allergies that require extra filtration? Do you live in an area with high levels of pollution or allergens? Identifying your needs will help you choose the right type of waft cleanser for your home.

One great resource to help determine your whiff purification needs is to visit Triad Aer’s website. Their expert team can provide valuable information on air quality and purification, and their range of high-quality draft purification systems can cater to your specific requirements.

With Triad Aer’s assistance, you can select the most appropriate draft purification system for your home to ensure that you breathe cleaner and healthier air.

Consider Room Size

When choosing a waft purification system, it is essential to consider the size of the room in which you will be using it. Air cleaners come in different sizes, and choosing the right size is crucial for optimal performance.

The size of the room will determine the required flow and waft exchange rate needed for the air cleanser to effectively clean the air. A small whiff cleanser will not be effective in cleaning the air in a large room, while an oversized draft cleanser will waste energy and may not improve waft quality.

Measure the Room Size


To determine the appropriate size of the whiff cleanser, measure the size of the room. Measure the length and width of the room and multiply the two numbers to get the square footage. For example, if a room is 10 feet by 12 feet, the square footage is 120 square feet.

Consider the Ceiling Height

It is also essential to consider the ceiling height of the room. The higher the ceiling, the larger the purifier needed. A standard room with an eight-foot ceiling may only require a small breeze cleanser, while a room with a high ceiling of 12 feet or more will need a larger waft purifier.

Choose the Appropriate Size

Once you have determined the size of the room, choose an air cleanser that is appropriate for that room size. The manufacturer will provide information on the recommended room size for each whiff cleaner model.

Choose the Right Type of Air Purifier


There are several types on the market, including HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, ozone generators, and UV purifiers. HEPA filters are the most common type and are effective at removing allergens and dust. Activated carbon filters are effective at removing odors and chemicals. Ozone generators and UV air cleansers are not recommended as they can produce harmful byproducts.

Check the CADR Rating

The Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) is a measure of how quickly a purifier can clean the breeze in a room. Look for a breeze cleaner with a CADR rating that matches the size of your room.

Consider Maintenance Requirements

When choosing a breeze purification system, it is important to consider the maintenance requirements. All whiff cleaners require maintenance, including filter replacements and cleaning, to ensure they continue to function effectively.

Filter Replacement


Most air cleansers have a filter that needs to be replaced regularly. The frequency of filter replacements varies depending on the type of filter and the usage. Some filters need to be replaced every three months, while others can last up to a year. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for filter replacement to ensure optimal performance.

Cleaning Requirements

Air cleansers also require cleaning to remove dust and debris from the unit. Some waft purifiers have washable filters that can be easily cleaned, while others require more extensive cleaning. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning the waft purifier.

Cost of Maintenance

Consider the cost of maintenance when choosing a purifier. Some purifiers have expensive filters that need to be replaced frequently, while others have cheaper filters that can last longer. Additionally, some waft purifiers may require more frequent cleaning, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Ease of Maintenance


Chooses a waft purifier that is easy to maintain. Look for waft purifiers with easy-to-replace filters and simple cleaning requirements. A more user-friendly purifier will save time and reduce frustration.

Look for Energy Efficiency

Choose an air purifier that is energy efficient to save on your electricity bill. Look for an Energy Star rating or check the energy consumption of the air purifier before purchasing.

Consider Noise Level

When choosing an air purification system, it is important to consider the noise level. Some waft purifiers can be noisy, especially when running at high speeds. Consider the noise level of the waft purifier before purchasing, especially if you plan to use it in a bedroom or other quiet space.

Decibel Levels

Air cleansers produce sound as they operate. The noise level of a purifier is measured in decibels (dB). Look for an air cleanser with a low decibel level, especially if you plan to use it in a bedroom or other quiet space.

Consider Fan Speeds


Most air cleansers have multiple fan speeds, which can affect the noise level. A higher fan speed will produce more noise than a lower fan speed. Consider the noise level at different fan speeds to ensure you choose an air cleanser that meets your needs.

Location of the Air Purifier

Considers the location of the air cleanser when assessing the noise level. A waft cleanser located in a closet or hallway may produce less noise than one located in a bedroom or living room.

Product Reviews

Read product reviews to get an idea of the noise level of the waft purifier. Many customers will provide feedback on the noise level of the breeze cleanser, which can help you make an informed decision.


In conclusion, choosing the right breeze purification system for your home can be a daunting task, but considering these tips will make the process easier. Identify your needs, consider room size, choose the right type of waft cleanser, check the CADR rating, consider maintenance requirements, look for energy efficiency, and consider noise level to ensure you choose the best air purification system for your home.

Written by Alana Harrington