
Steps to Take Your Mac Clipboard Usage to the Next Level


Whether a student or a content creator, you might already know the struggles of copying and pasting on a MacBook. You may find your clipboard full of different copied items, making you more confused and scattered. Do not worry, as every Mac user has been in your position. Clipboard access on a Mac is precious, but if you aren’t aware of how to manage it, you overlooked a productive aspect of a Mac.

Fortunately, you can use many tools and tips to take your clipboard usage to the next level. Whether you want to copy items, images, or files, this article will dive into the best methods of managing the clipboard. Moreover, you will learn about third-party clipboard management tools that will streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Read on to learn how to become more clipboard-efficient!

Learning the Top Built-in Mac Clipboard Features

The first step to reaching ultimate productivity is understanding the fundamentals. Sometimes, you might find your clipboard overloaded with information. This might make it difficult for you to access the required information. Other times, you copy sensitive data and then decide to eliminate it from your clipboard. The only option is to clear Mac clipboard to eliminate the risk of others accessing your information or causing extra clutter. Remember that learning how to access your clipboard history might be handy. To do so, click “Command + Shift + V” to access the list of items you have previously copied.

One thing to remember is that clipboard only saves your information for a while. Instead, it preserves the history until you log out of the account or restart your computer. Hence, you should not rely on it for prolonged projects. Instead, utilize it to effectively work around your device. That said, there is another handy tool related to the clipboard. Sometimes, you might want to preserve the formatting style. To do so, Mac offers various formatting options. “Paste and Match Style” matches the destination formatting with the item copied. “Paste Special” lets you choose which formatting element you want.

Advanced Clipboard Techniques on Mac


Like keystroke combinations (also known as shortcuts), you can save ample time and become productive by utilizing your clipboard. Think about it; you can copy it instead of keeping browsers open to remember information. When you need access to it, you can attain it through the clipboard. Hence, you should explore more advanced clipboard techniques for your Mac. Once you master those, you are guaranteed to save some time during work.

Multiple clipboards

Unfortunately, the in-built features on MacBooks are limited regarding clipboards. While a Mac can only store items in one list, a third-party clipboard manager can allow you to access multiple clipboards. This will be useful if you need to switch between various items frequently. Moreover, multiple stored lists will allow you to keep a collection of the often-used bits you constantly need.

Universal copy and paste

Have you heard of the “Handoff” feature offered by Apple? In a gist, you can initiate a task on one Apple device and pick it up on another. You can take advantage of this feature and use the universal copy-and-paste feature. This allows you to transmit copied items seamlessly from one device to another. Instead of manually transferring a link to your Mac from your iPhone, you can turn on the “Handoff” feature enabled. You should do that after ensuring all your devices are synced to the same iCloud account.

Drag and drop copying

Many laptops offer the drag-and-drop feature. Instead of using keyboard shortcuts to copy items, you can drag them from one location and drop them at their destination. Select the item you want copied, pull it, and release it to the desired spot. This method is beneficial when transferring files between different applications.

Third-Party Clipboard Management Tools for Mac


A third-party clipboard management tool is a software or application you download to help you organize your clipboard content. Often, these tools provide you with advanced features. Some examples include clipboard history, automatic organization, and multiple clipboards. You can choose from various options; some are free, and others are paid. Read on to find out the top options, what features to look for, and the pros and cons of using such tools.

Top clipboard managers for Mac

Various different clipboard managers for MacBooks range in price and complexity. However, three stand out, and they are:

  • Paste. The third-party clipboard management tool, Paste, is a premium option. It has various advanced features. Some include finding previous items you have copied through browsing and searching. Moreover, the manager allows you to categorize items using pins to keep things organized.
  • CopyClip. If you are looking for a simple and intuitive interface, consider CopyClip. It is free, and its simplicity makes it fun to use. You can access it from the menu bar on your Mac. Since the application appears as a menu bar application, you constantly have access to items you have copied, regardless of what you are accessing.
  • Alfred. Alfred might be the one for you if you aim to find a more in-depth productivity application. While it automates and simplifies various pathways, it also has its in-built clipboard. You can save the most used clips as snippets, clear history, and browse your clipboard history through the application.

Key features to look for in third-party clipboard apps for Mac

Simply put, you need to consider various vital features. The first thing is to view the number of clipboards the tool provides. Then, consider whether you can organize and search the copy history and whether the platform can sync your clipboard content across various devices. Depending on your priorities, you might want to consider customizable keyboard shortcuts or compatibility with other tools.

However, keep in mind that such tools have pros and cons. The pros are that it enhances productivity and efficiency. However, many are concerned with their security since they store sensitive user information.



Ultimately, the MacBool clipboard feature is a fundamental in-built feature. It helps people copy and paste texts, files, and images. Yet, many are unaware of this tool’s potential, such as sending information from one device to another and incorporating third-party clipboard managers.

That said, refer to the tips and tricks above to boost your productivity on Mac through clipboards. By mastering simple and advanced techniques, then integrating a third-party manager, you can take your Mac clipboard usage to the next step! Not only will this save you time, but it will make the entire process more enjoyable!

Written by Kan Dail